Easy way to make yogurt at home

 Published   Oct 25, 2012

  • Fresh yogurt is the best medicine for many digestive ailments, such as acid reflux, ulcers, and indigestion.  
  • Yogurt is rich in protein and calcium.
    Yogurt might not be vegan because it contains bacteria called Lactobacillus bulgaricus. and Streptococcus thermophilus.
  •  It is very easy to make the best yogurt at home with whole milk or 2% milk. 
  • Only 4 simple steps and two ingredients are needed.
    Yummy fresh homemade yogurt
Ingredients and tools:
  1. Milk,
  2. Premade yogurt (Dannon),
  3. Steel container,
  4. Stove and a teaspoon.  
Four simple steps to make yogurt are:
Step 1: Boil milk for 30 minutes on medium
heat on the stove.

Step 2: Let it cool down for 50 minutes.

Indicators that hint when to add premade yogurt are:
1. The layer of cream floating on the top.
2. You can touch the container with your fingertips, but it won't burn your hand.
Step 3: Add 4 teaspoons of pre-made yogurt
or Dannon yogurt (brought from the store),
and mix well with a teaspoon.
Cover the container with a lid.

Step 4: Let it sit still overnight.
Avoid shaking or tilting the container.

Indicators for perfect yogurt are:
1. the formation of light green water floating on the top of yogurt.
2. There is no liquid milk anymore but there is semisolid yogurt.
Your homemade yogurt is ready in the morning.

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